The Mesa Arts Center, Arizona Museum of Natural History, and idea Museum renew their Certified Autism Center™ (CAC) designation, which is awarded by the International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards (IBCCES). To renew their CAC credential, staff at the three locations completed position-specific training, equipping them with up-to-date knowledge of the best practices, skills and resources to welcome and accommodate autistic and sensory-sensitive guests. This renewal underscores their ongoing commitment to providing inclusive options for every person in Mesa.

“At the heart of Mesa’s Arts and Culture Department is the belief that everyone, regardless of their abilities, deserves access to meaningful cultural experiences,” says Illya Riske, acting director of Arts and Culture for the City of Mesa. “Our certification renewal demonstrates our commitment to creating environments where autistic and sensory-sensitive individuals feel valued and fully included in the experiences we offer.”

The certifications, held by each center since 2019, contribute to Mesa’s designation as an Autism Certified City™ (ACC). This designation ensures that both visitors and residents have access to a wide range of organizations that are trained and certified to better welcome and assist autistic and sensory-sensitive individuals across the healthcare, public safety, education, hospitality, entertainment, and recreation industries. Mesa was the first city to earn the ACC designation.

“Mesa has consistently led the way in fostering inclusivity and accessibility for millions of autistic individuals and their families,” says Myron Pincomb, IBCCES board chairman. “The renewal of the Certified Autism Center™ designation for these three organizations shows the staff’s commitment to providing a welcoming environment for all visitors.”

Since 2001, IBCCES has been a leader in autism, neurodiversity, and cognitive disorder training and certification for healthcare, education, and corporate professionals globally. IBCCES created programs specifically for hospitality and recreational organizations, such as hotels, theme parks, museums, and other attractions, to ensure staff are knowledgeable and accommodations are available for this growing, but underserved, community. IBCCES is the only credentialing board offering these types of programs, which include training from subject matter experts and autistic self-advocates, as well as long-term support and continuous learning.
IBCCES also created AutismTravel.com, a free online resource for parents that lists certified locations and professionals. Each organization listed on the site has met Certified Autism Center™ (CAC) requirements.
About City of Mesa Arts and Culture
Mesa’s Department of Arts and Culture includes the Arizona Museum of Natural History, idea Museum and Mesa Arts Center, all located in downtown Mesa, Arizona. The mission of the department is to strengthen the creative, social and economic fabric of our community and region through inspiring, relevant, engaging and transformational experiences.
Committed to providing the global standard for training and certification in the field of cognitive disorders – IBCCES provides a series of certifications that empower professionals to be leaders in their field and improve the outcomes for the individuals they serve. These programs are recognized around the world as the leading benchmark for training and certification in the areas of autism and other cognitive disorders.
Learn More About Becoming A Certified Autism Center™
Fill out the form below to learn more about our CAC Program, which includes staff certifications, training options and center certification.