Oldest Store Museum Experience (part of Old Town Trolley Tours & Attractions of St. Augustine)
A look around St. Augustine’s Old Store Museum reveals a panoply of odd tchotchkes, rusty and weathered cans, medicine bottles, and a treasure trove of goods and hardware from a bygone era. Walking amongst all these vintage wears is like being on an expedition through time. Watch in amazement as our friendly clerks, butcher and Snake Oil salesman demonstrate the very latest inventions for turn-of-the-century living. Get to know the latest and best time-saving miracles from the rockin’ 1900s!
Join us for a fun adventure to the past, there is so much to catch the eye like steam-driven tractors, tonics, worm syrup, guns, bikes, dry goods, clothing, farming equipment, wagons and a whole array of gizmos and eccentric gadgets that captured the imaginations of the folks living in an America whose greatness in innovation was in its infancy!
The Oldest Store Museum Experience is wheelchair accessible.